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Subwimp & Family

Captions and short stories of submissive losers and their loved ones being degraded at the feet of cruel girls / women and men. DISCLAIMER: ALL characters depicted and mentioned are FICTIONAL and of legal age, without exception. This blog contains fantasy ONLY and does not support non-consensual or illegal activities IRL in any way. Offensive or inappropriate entries will be deleted immediately upon request. Messages or questions from like-minded kinksters very welcome!

The stories of Summer Gold

If you enjoy the themes of my captions - especially social sadism, wealth worship, inequality, unfairness, multi-generational and family slavery, humiliation and degradation, lesbian domination and cruelty - please make sure to have a look at the works of Summer Gold. 

This is no 'official' promotion, but a genuine recommendation to those yearning for more content in the same vein, which is unfortunately so scarce online.

I have never found anyone else whose writing resonates so perfectly with me. Summer Gold understands - and manages to describe - the dynamics between a confident, powerful superior and Their groveling, scrambling submissive so beautifully and perfectly.

In Summer Gold's stories, the wealthy and beautiful reign supreme over those born in less fortunate circumstances, and those yearning to be close to their betters and bask in Their radiance and power. Those already winning at life continue to win even harder, while trampling down those existing to live beneath Their pampered feet.

If that sounds like something you'd enjoy, please make sure to visit Summer Gold's websites and have a look at Their amazing work.



The Fet Library:

