
Subwimp & Family

Captions and short stories of submissive losers and their loved ones being degraded at the feet of cruel girls / women and men. DISCLAIMER: ALL characters depicted and mentioned are FICTIONAL and of legal age, without exception. This blog contains fantasy ONLY and does not support non-consensual or illegal activities IRL in any way. Offensive or inappropriate entries will be deleted immediately upon request. Messages or questions from like-minded kinksters very welcome!

"Thanks for driving me here, wimpy. You may go behind the restaurant now and kneel  between the dumpsters until I wanna go home. Yeah, I know you hate it there, but first of all it's where you belong, second you'll do it because I said so and you do everything I say, and third you sure as hell can't be seen by my rich friends in here. So go and do it. I'll come and get you when I wanna leave.

I'll probably be absolutely wasted by then, so don't take what I say to your heart too much, okay? You know how I get when I'm drunk. I just say whatever's on my mind, he he he... You know we're besties. 

I mean, I am your best friend, that's for sure. Not that difficult since I am your only friend, but whatever. Of course I have many friends I like much, much more than I like you, but that's your own fault for not trying hard enough to spoil me and be useful to me, right?

So I think a little more gratitude would be in order, wimpy. 

After all, I chose to give you this chance to be useful to me and make my already fabulous life just that little bit easier. So rather than whining and complaining that you have to kneel between our garbage for six or seven hours you should be kissing my feet in gratitude and thank me for being such a good friend. 

No, too late now. I don't want anyone to see such an ugly dork touching me, not even my feet. No offense, but you know it's true. I mean, you're ugly and poor as fuck, that's just how it is. But I still like you. You're... convenient. Sometimes.

Now get lost, wimpy. See you later~"

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